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Hercules Election 2020 Survey
Hercules PC (#HFPC) is currently developing resources to help Hercules voters select council members who hold views similar to their own. Your answers to the questions below will assist in this process.
1. The persons listed below are running for City Council in the November 3rd election. Are you familiar with any of these names? (Check all that apply.)
2. To help voters learn about the candidates’ policy positions on a variety of issues, we are hoping to provide materials and tools such as those listed below. Which of the following would help you the most? (Select the top four of interest.)
3. Which city issues are you most concerned with in 2020? (Select the top five of interest.)
5. What would you rate the current state of Hercules right now?Pretty badNot so goodGoodVery goodAwesome5. What would you rate the current state of Hercules right now?

Thanks for submitting!

Thanks for your help!

Thanks for reading The Hercules Free Constitution Press!

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